2015-11-26 韩国又松大学代表来访我校



   在乘坐校车来校的路上,我校招生顾问与韩国友人亲切交谈,车内气氛十分融洽。抵达我校后,国际学校校长Peggy、中加学校校长卢业功、副校长Melody Yang、副校长余涛对来访贵宾热情接待,甘瑞瑗副校长一行表示很高兴到访我校,随后。由招办为来访贵宾做了校园介绍,又松大学来访团亦向我们简单地介绍了又松大学的总体情况,还特别向我们介绍了又松大学的几个热门院系,其中韩国第一所100%全英文授课的SolBridge国际商学院是完全国际化的商科大学,其目标是要成为亚洲的哈佛商学院。SolBridge国际商学院在2011年获得“第二届亚洲最佳商学院”称号,2012年获评世界教育协会“商学院最佳领导力奖”,2014年5月成功获得了AACSB(国际高等商学院歇会)认证,目前全球仅有不到5%的商学院取得了此项精英认证。


Our campus is bathing under the warm sun in golden September. Everything is thriving. We admission staff warmly welcomed the Korean friends include the VP Gan Ruiyuan of Woosong University, Professor Liu Hanshou of the Department of Social welfare, the principal secretary and so on. 

We sent Candy who is Korean interpreter and the professional admission consultant to met them first at the hotel. On the road to our school, we chatted in a harmony atmosphere. Outside the car window, the scenery changed quickly. And owing to the kind driver, we arrive at school as scheduled. 

As the head, Principal Peggy, Lu Yegong ,VP Melody and VP Yutao met these Korean friends that we had looked forward for a long time with a relaxed heart. All we have done made these guests feel at home. 

Our show won the foreign friends’ applause. We exchanged our thought and put forward constructional opinion on running school. The perfect tour ended. Hope that our friendship will last forever!