2019-06-12 合肥高新中加学校个人发展中心第一年发展回顾


Review of the first year development of Personal Development Center in SCCSH

在经历了一年多的准备工作后,个人发展中心于2018年11月19日在合肥高新中加学校落地成立单独部门,为全校师生提供知识、同情和帮助,让学生更好的应对生活中的一切。After more than a year of preparatory work, the Personal Development Center is settled down as a individual department in SCCSH on November 19,2018, which aims to give our students the knowledge, compassion, and support to cope with all life has to offer, the good, the bad and everything in between.

个人发展中心有诸多核心项目,在这一年的发展中,突破了多项从零到一的项目推进,主要成就如下The Personal Development Center has many core projects. During the development of this year, it has broken through a number of projects from zero to one. The main achievements are as follows:

1.心理健康教育:共举办讲座15 场,分别为




A number of mental health lectures were conducted:

For students: ‘I am the master of my emotions’, ‘Be the best of yourself’, ‘Understanding life, caring for life’‘How to prevent sexual violenceand assault’

For parents: ‘Children's Growth in Mental Nutrition’, ‘Children's Deviation Behavior and Coping Strategies’, ‘How to Be a Safe Parent’, ‘How to Cultivate Children with High Self-esteem and High Value’, ’Every Child Is Wonderful’

For teachers: ‘Shaping the Positive Mentality’, ‘Communication Mode of Interpersonal Relationships’, ‘Emotional Management’, ‘Equipping the Workplace Happiness’, ‘Smart Management Psychology’,’The Ponder on School Bullying’

2.心理健康服务:心理咨询/危机干预,为遇到压力生活事件的学生提供一对一的咨询。提供沙盘治疗、OH卡治疗 、绘画治疗 、团体辅导等。其中,沙盘为学生热门选择项目,在第一学年个人沙盘体验74次,团体沙盘体验75次。Mental Health Services: Counseling/Crisis Intervention provides one-on-one counseling for students facing stressful life events. Sand-play therapy, OH card therapy and Painting therapy and Group Counselling are provided.Among them,the sand-play therapy is a popular choice for students. In the first year, 74 times individual sand-play therapies and 75 times group sand-play therapies were conducted respectively.

3.活动室Activity Room:一个安全、开放的空间,学生可以在这里放松,释放压力,一起聊天。A safe and open place for students to relax, release stress, come together and talk.由国家教育司指导的的第一部以班主任为主要题材的网剧《我是班主任》在活动室取景拍摄有关心理老师的工作日常,体现了国家对校园心理健康专业配置的重视和提倡。The first online drama ‘I am the homeroom teacher’ in which homeroom teacher is as the leading part. Some important scenes of this drama were filmed in the activity room, which reflects the attention of Ministry of Education to mental health work in schools.

4.反欺凌教育周Bullying Awareness Week: 通过一系列的活动来教育学生,提升防治校园欺凌事件的意识。A series of activities and events aimed at promoting bullying Prevention through education and awareness.

5.成立反欺凌教职工委员会: 反欺凌教职工委员会定期召开会议讨论研究欺凌事件,组织学校相关反欺凌活动,提高全校师生的反欺凌意识。The BIP meet several times throughout the year to discuss bullying incidents, organize school related bullying events, and promote bullying awareness.

6.设置欺凌匿名举报箱,共受理事件36起,为学生提供多途径的欺凌事件报告系统,我们认真对待每一份报告单并遵循特有的规定程序,以确保学生感到安全,并继续报告。Set up Reporting System, and PDC dealt with 36 issues this year, which provide multiple approaches for students to report their issues. Moreover, we take each bullying report seriously and follow proper established procedures to ensure that students feel safe and continue to report.

7. 与升学指导办合作开展优秀毕业生回国交流分享会共3期, 分别邀请2017届、2018届优秀毕业生回母校分享,内容涉及专业选择及学科要求、学习状态的调整以及现存学习上的问题,和医疗、住宿等生活细节的解答,学生反馈良好。Cooperate with the Guidance Office to carry out 3sessions of outstanding graduates' returning to school and sharing experiences, and invite the 2017 and 2018 outstanding graduates to share with their alma mater. The content involves professional choices and subject requirements, adjustment of learning status and existing learning.Questions, and answers to life details such as medical care, accommodation, and student feedback.


1.心理社Life Skills Club: 学生在这里学习心理健康知识以及实用生活技能去帮助他们应对生活中的压力事件。Students learn about mental health and learn practical skills to help themselves and others cope with stressful life events.

2.伙伴系统Peer Buddy Program: 伙伴系统成员是经过培训的心理社成员,他们被安排到新入学班级提供支持和资源信息给新生。Peer Buddies are trained LSC Members who are assigned to grade 7 & 10 classes to provide support and resources to new students.

3.全球心理健康日 Global Mental Health Day:我们在每年的10月10日(全球心理健康日)举办一系列如趣味教育集市、募捐集市和“充电集市”等活动来提升全校师生对心理健康的意识。We hold a series of activities such as a ‘Fun-education’Fair, Fundrasing Fair, as well as ‘recharging’annually to raise awareness about mental health at SCCSH.

4.新生入学适应辅导 Helping New Students Adaption:个人发展中心将联合升学指导办、校医务室、学生处等多个部门对学生的生理、心理、学校规则做适应辅导,帮助新生快速适应新的环境,进入学习状态。PDC will cooperate with university guidance office, the school clinic, the student administrative office and other departments to help students quickly and smoothly adapt to new environment and enter the learning state.


Brief Profile of Yi Sun (Eve)

孙祎,女,上海师范大学管理学学士,美国约翰逊威尔士大学(Johnson&Wales University)工商管理硕士,中国人民大学应用心理学硕士,主修活动领导力、市场与营销、教育心理学、发展心理学、咨询心理学等相关课程,国家高级心理咨询师,合肥市心理咨询师协会成员,高新区未成年心理辅导站成员,现任合肥高新中加学校个人发展中心负责人兼专职心理健康老师,多年来已积累了许多的咨询案例并拥有丰富的学生心理咨询经验。自2015年至2018年担任高中班主任三年,有丰富的学生管理经验,善于将心理学专业知识落地并灵活应用从实处帮助学生走出他们的困境,并一直致力于教育研究,在维普和知网已发表多篇教育和心理类文章,如《试从中小学校园欺凌事件来谈学生的心理教育策略》《中学生校园负面八卦行为的起因及影响研究》《青少年人际交往适应不良与自我效能感的干预研究》等。

Yi Sun(Eve), Bachelor of Management from Shanghai Normal University, Master of Business Administration from Johnson & Wales University in the US,Master of Applied Psychology from Renmin University of China, majoring in Event Leadership, Sales& Marketing, Education Psychology, Development Psychology, Counseling Psychology, etc. Advanced Psychological Counselor, the member of Hefei Psychological Counselor Association, the member of the High-tech Zone Psychological Counselling Station for Minors. She is currently the head of the Personal Development Center of SCCSH and a full-time mental health teacher. Over the years, she has dealt with many counselling cases and owns rich counselling experience for students. Meanwhile, she has been devoted to educational research and several articles have been published in and, such as ‘Testing the Psychological Education Strategies of Students from School Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools’, ‘Study on the Causes and Effects of Negative Gossip Behavior in Middle School Students’, ‘Intervention Study on Adolescent Interpersonal Adaption and Self-efficacy’and so on.