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加皇国际教育集团个人发展中心项目创建者Amy Rankin莅临我校检查指导工作
AKD school PDC Program Developer Amy Rankin Visit SCCSH
合肥高新中加学校十分关注学校师生的心理健康,并于去年特别成立了学校“个人发展中心”这一特色部门。学校个人发展中心通过预防和教育减少对心理健康的偏见,认识干预的必要性,培养学生积极向上的阳光心态。在平时的工作中,个人发展中心一直致力于学生心理辅导和咨询,为学生提供及时而必要的心理课程和讲座,为在校师生提供可持续的综合项目如反欺凌教育周、全球心理健康日、心理社等综合项目以满足学生的即时需求,同时促进成长及能力,从而引导每位学生最大程度发挥自身潜能,获得了家长和师生的一致肯定和好评。为了使个人发展中心的工作可以做的更加完善,12月3-4日,加皇教育集团特派个人发展中心项目创建者Amy Rankin到访我校,给予具体的专业指导。
SCCSH pays great attention to the mental health of the teachers and students; Therefore, it has set up PDC(Personal Development Center)since last year to reduce prejudice against mental health through prevention and education and cultivate the positive attitude of students. In the routine work, PDC is devoted to provide counselling and courses for students, and sustainable and comprehensive programming that meets students’immediate needs while fostering growth and competencies that leads to each students’ ability to maximize their potential and sets them up with tools for lifelong success,such as Bullying Awareness Week, The Global Mental Health Day and the Life Skills Club, etc. , which has received the consistent high praise from parents, students and teachers. In order to make the work of the Personal Development Center perfect, Amy Rankin, the Program Developer of PDC, visited our school from December 3-4 to give specific professional guidance.
我校个人发展中心负责人孙老师接待并陪同Amy Rankin一行参观了个人发展中心,Amy Rankin认真听取了各位校长和学部主任等学校领导的工作汇报,收集和交流了对心理健康工作在学校的开展情况和看法,对我校心理健康工作给予了肯定,并针对存在的问题给予了中肯的建议。周校长也表示,学校下一步一定会优化整合教育资源,将心理健康工作进一步融入到学校文化中,关注教师群体的心理健康,将工作覆盖学生、 教师和家长,形成良性的家校联动氛围。
Amy Rankin and her team visited the Personal Development Center with the accompany of Teacher Sun. Amy Rankin carefully listened to the work reports of school principals and directors, collected and exchanged opinions on the development of mental health work, affirmed our school's mental health work, and gave relevant suggestions for existing problems. Principal Zhou said that the next step of the school will be to optimize and integrate educational resources, further integrate mental health work into the school culture, pay attention to the mental health care of the teacher group, and cover the work with students, teachers and parents to form a healthy home-school linkage atmosphere.
随后,Amy Rankin一行人观摩了心理健康课,并与老师进行了详细的课后反馈,在观念的碰撞与交流中,及时发现问题、剖析原因、梳理经验、归纳提升,达成新的共识。
Later, Amy Rankin and her team observed the mental health class and conducted detailed after-class feedback with the teacher. With the collision and exchange of ideas, they discovered problems in time, analyzed the reasons, combed their experiences, and summarized them to reach a new consensus.
每次Amy Rakin到访都会给学生们带来一场精彩的工作坊演讲,本次的主题是:有效沟通。在讲座中,Am轻松愉悦的演讲风格清晰了传达了沟通中的误区和有效沟通的方法,同学们积极参与,踊跃发言,在丰富的互动中学习了正确的沟通方式,现场气氛良好。
Each time Amy Rakin brings a wonderful workshop lecture to students, the theme of this time is: effective communication. In the lecture, Amy clearly delivered the information about misunderstandings in communication and the effective communication methods in a relaxed and joyful style. The students actively participated, enthusiastically spoke, and learned the correct communication methods in rich interaction. The atmosphere at the scene was very good.
个人发展中心很重视学生对学校心理健康工作开展的反馈,因此,Amy Rankin一行分别与心理社学生成员和非心理社学生成员见面会谈,并随机抽样让学生填写了匿名评估调查问卷,深入学生群体聆听他们的需求和想法。
The Personal Development Center attaches great importance to students' feedback on the school's mental health work. Therefore, Amy Rankin and her team met with members of the Life Skill Club and non-Life Skill Club students, and randomly sampled the students to fill in the anonymous assessment questionnaire to penetrate the student group to listen to their needs and ideas.
本次Amy Rankin的督导评估检查是对合肥高新中加心理健康工作的充分肯定和巨大鼓舞,为我校探索更加完善有效的心理健康体系提供了新思路、策略和方法,同时也坚定了个人发展中心老师的工作信心和推行新项目的决心,我们将根据具体的问题作出真正能解决问题的改进和举措,注重教育中的每一个细节,及时反思和改进,正如Amy讲座中引用的马雅‧安哲罗的那句话:在你知道更好方法之前尽你所能,在你知道更好方法之后,再做得更好。学校将以这次督导调研为契机,不断开拓进取,会尽我们所能不断探索实施特色素质教育的新途径!
Amy Rankin's evaluation visit is a full affirmation and great encouragement for the mental health work of SCCSH, and at the meanwhile, provides new ideas, strategies and methods for our school to explore a perfect and more effective mental health system. The teachers of the PDC have gained more confidence in their work and determination to implement new projects. We will make improvements and measures that can really solve problems according to specific problems, pay attention to every detail in education, and reflect and improve in time, as The words of Maya Angelo quoted in the Amy lecture : Do your best before you know the better way, and do better after you know the better way. The school will take this supervision and evaluation as an opportunity to continue to forge ahead, and will do our best to continuously explore new ways to implement characteristic quality education!
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