【小初】巳岁呈祥 嘉彩迎新 | 合肥高新中嘉学校202...
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
SCCS & CISH秋季大学展将于十月二十五日正式拉开序幕,本次展会将有来自澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、英国,瑞士 近二十多所海外大学参展。届时,众多海外大学招生官齐聚一堂,将为学生和家长解答入学申请、专业选择、学制课程、录取流程及住校生活等升学相关问题。我校诚邀各位家长参与,可与招生官零距离沟通,为孩子升学早作规划。此外,10月23日前预约参与的家长可获得大学展护照通行证一份,数量有限哦!
SCCS & CISH Exhibition Fair (Fall) will be opened on October 25th,there will be 20 overseas universities’ coordinators will come together. They are from Australia, the United States, Canada UK and Switzerland. They will answer the questions like application, majors, curriculum and school life etc.
Our school sincerely invites parents to attend the exhibition, you can communicate with university’s coordinator directly and makes plan in advance.
Besides, the parents who subscribe before Oct.23 will get a university exhibition passport.
Welcome to attend!
展位号/Booth No. | 大学/University |
1 | York University(CAN) 约克大学(加) |
2 | University of Ottawa 渥太华大学 |
3 | Carleton University 卡尔顿大学 |
4 | MacEwan University 麦科文大学 |
5 | Simon Fraser University & Simon Fraser University International College 西蒙弗雷泽大学 & 西蒙弗雷泽大学国际学院 |
6 | Royal Roads University 皇家路大学 |
7 | Thompson Rivers University 汤姆逊河大学 |
8 | University of Regina 里贾纳大学 |
9 | Winnipeg University 温尼伯大学 |
10 | Lakehead University湖首大学 |
11 | Okanagan College奥哥那根学院 |
12 | Queen’s University 女王大学 |
13 | The University of Adelaide(AUS) 阿德雷德大学(澳) |
14 | University of York(UK) 约克大学(英) |
15 | University of Vermont(US) 佛蒙特大学(美) |
16 | Auburn University(US) 奥本大学(美) |
17 | Concordia University康考迪亚大学 |
18 | Binghamton University, State University of New York纽约州立宾汉姆顿大学(美) |
19 | Glion Institute of Higher Education瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院(瑞士) |
20 | Les Roches International School of Hotel Management理诺士国际酒店管理学院(瑞士) |
21 | ROSSO艺术作品集 (Art) |
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
【 Good news for admission 】 MICA Maryland College of the Arts+over 80W scholarship offer!