【小初】巳岁呈祥 嘉彩迎新 | 合肥高新中嘉学校202...
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
热烈祝贺中加学校董事长彭建华博士荣获加拿大总督功勋奖,授勋仪式于2019年3月14日举行,在加拿大政府官网 www.gg.ca 全程直播。
Warmest congratulations to Dr. Francis Pang, C.M.Order of Canada Investiture Ceremony on March 14 at 10:30 AM. A live webcast of the investiture ceremony will be available for those who could not attend to tune in on www.gg.ca .
Order of Canada(加拿大总督功勋奖),是加拿大对有杰出贡献的人颁发的国家荣誉奖项。Order of Canada奖始建于1966年初,1967年4月17日正式成立此奖项。此奖项由国会加拿大总督代表加拿大女王颁发,颁发给各领域人士致力于创造美好世界的加拿大人和非加拿大人。
TheOrder of Canada is aCanadiannational order for merit in the system oforders, decorations, and medals of Canada.To coincide with thecentennialofCanadian Confederation, the three-tiered order was established in 1967 as a fellowship that recognizes the outstanding merit or distinguished service ofCanadianswho make a major difference to Canada through lifelong contributions in every field of endeavour, as well as the efforts by non-Canadians who have made the world better by their actions.
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
【 Good news for admission 】 MICA Maryland College of the Arts+over 80W scholarship offer!