2019-10-17 加皇教育集团在北京举办大学升学指导培训


时值中华人民共和国70华诞之际,加拿大加皇教育集团在北京加拿大国际学校举办国际大学升学顾问培训。来自全国各地中加学校的老师们进行了为期三天的全英文学习,合肥高新中加学校五位老师也接受了这次培训,授课由加拿大资深招生官Barss Robert 先生主讲,在此期间各位中外教老师们收获了丰富的国际大学升学及职业规划知识,为今后的升学和招生工作提供了及时有效的帮助,培训结束后,北京加拿大国际学校校长Douglas K. Prescott与招生官Barss Robert 先生与为老师们颁发证书。

On the occasion of the 70th birthday of China, AKD International Educating Inc. Canada held a training course about consolation for international universities’ admission in Canada International School of Beijing. Teachers from all over Sino-Canada Concord Schools have been studying in English training for three days. The lecture has given by Mr. Barss Robert, senior admissions officer of Canada. During this three days, Chinese and foreign teachers gained a wealth of knowledge of international university admission & career planning, and providing effective help for further education and consulting work. Mr. Barss Robert and Douglas K. Prescott, principal of Canada International School of Beijing issued certificates for each teacher at the end of training.