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The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
It was supposed to be a busy season at the beginning of the new semester in March 2020. However, as the whole nation is fighting against the coronavirus epidemic, foreign teachers of SCCSH & CISH actively cooperated with the requirements of the school and fulfilled their obligations for the prevention and control of the epidemic. The school staff is also doing their best to ensure the normal operation of the campus.
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自2017年8月开始就在中加国际学校工作的Debra Vuuren 一家来自英国。在疫情防控的关键时期,他们积极响应学校的防控要求,尽量不外出。“学校会帮助我们采购生活用品并送到宿舍门口,隔离的生活对我们来说并没有那么困难,宅在家里也挺舒服的。” Debra Vuuren说, “我很开心能回到中国,在这里我感到很安全。这段宅家的日子对我们来说是很难忘的促进家庭亲子关系的经历,我们每天都会配合学校测量体温,并保持良好的卫生习惯。我相信疫情迟早会结束!”
Debra Vuuren has been working in Hefei since August 2017. The Vuuren's are from the UK.
In the critical period of epidemic prevention and control, they actively respond to the requirements of the school for prevention and control and try to avoid going outside as they can. “We were comfortable at home with everything delivered to us, so not completely bad.” Debra said, “ We are happy to be back in China. We feel safe and protected here. Quarantine was a real bonding experience for our family! We cooperate with the school to take the temperature every day and keeping look after ourselves. I believe the epidemic will come to an end sooner or later!”
在接到开学延期,需要老师们在家给学生开设网络课程的消息后,外教老师们更是表现出教师应该具有的良好素质,积极主动准备网络授课。南非籍Jacques Elliott先生2016年就来到中国了,今年是他在中加工作的第四年。“中国就像一个超级英雄,这里的每个人都在尽自己努力和病毒战斗。” Jacques Elliott 说,
After receiving the news that the school postponed the opening date for the new semester and teachers need to provide online courses for students at home. Foreign teachers have been working actively to prepare for online teaching. Mr. Jacques Elliott came to China in 2016 from South Africa. This year is his fourth year of working in SCCSH. “China really is like a superhero the way everyone here is fighting against this evil-doer named Covid-19.” Jacques Elliott said. He chooses to stay in China. He trusted Chinese people will win the battle against the virus soon.
In these days of fighting against the epidemic, security guards firmly stand on the front line of epidemic prevention and control work of the school and try their best to establish a solid defense line for the campus. All personnel entering and leaving the school must have the temperature check and fill a form. The cleaning staff regularly disinfect public areas every day.
Our administrative staff also register and collect the health status of all members every day, timely convey the epidemic prevention and control notice and requirements. They will also check in the foreign teachers living in the school, and provide them with the help timely, including purchasing and distributing supplies, guiding online shopping, etc.
We look forward to welcoming our students and teachers back on campus. Stay Safe!
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
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