【小初】巳岁呈祥 嘉彩迎新 | 合肥高新中嘉学校202...
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
CEMC数学竞赛是由加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)数学系和加拿大数学与计算机教育中心举办。该竞赛始于1962年,累计有21万名来自世界各地的学生参加过该比赛。竞赛共有十三类,分别有:面向7至8年级的高斯(Gauss)数学竞赛;面向9年级的帕斯卡(Pascal)数学竞赛、弗莱尔(Fryer)数学竞赛;面向10年级的凯莱(Cayley)数学竞赛、伽罗瓦(Galois)数学竞赛;面向11年级的费尔马(Fermat)数学竞赛、希帕提娅(Hypatia)数学竞赛;面向12年级的欧几里德(Euclid)数学竞赛。该竞赛是全球最富盛名的数学竞赛之一,被誉为“数学托福”。
The CEMC Mathematics Contest is organized by the mathematics department of the University of Waterloo in Canada and the Canadian Center for Mathematics and Computer education. The competition began in 1962, with 210,000 students from all over the world participating in the competition. There are 13 kinds of competitions, respectively: the Gauss for G7-8, Pascal and Fryer for G9, Cayley and Galois for G10, Fermat and Hypatia for G11, and Euclid for G12. The competition is one of the world's most prestigious mathematical competitions, known as the "Math TOEFL".
This February, students in CCSC took part in this competition and they have gained outstanding results. A total of six students have won the world's top 25% awards. They are Cheng Qianai, Shi Yuxuan, kuai Congying, Guo Yifei and Chen Xiaoyu from G9 and Gu Yu from G11. Congratulations!
G9年级程芊艾 | G9年级施昱瑄 |
G9年级蒯丛颖 | G9年级郭奕菲 |
G11年级谷雨 | G9年级陈霄宇 |
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
【 Good news for admission 】 MICA Maryland College of the Arts+over 80W scholarship offer!