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The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
New Era,New Journey,New Level AKD Group New Semester Meeting
4月4日,加皇国际教育集团本学期管理会议在合肥高新中加学校召开。集团董事长彭建华博士、中加学校总校长王本中先生、北京加拿大国际学校执行董事 Charles Pang,加拿大纽宾省教育部 Terry Currie 先生和 Kathy Prosser 女士以及来自集团旗下北京、深圳、湖南、昆明、兰州、贵阳、青岛、西安、福州、哈尔滨、合肥中加学校的执行董事及相关负责人参加了此次会议。会议由集团执行董事 Andy Truong 先生主持。
On April 4th, the AKD Group Management semester meeting was held at the Sino-Canada Concord School of Hefei High Tech Zone. Attending the meeting were Dr.Francis Pang, Chairman of the Board of AKD Group, Mr.Wang Benzhong, Principal of all the Concord Schools under AKD Group, and Charles Pang, Executive Director of CISB. Also in attendance were Mr.Terry Currie and Ms.Kathy Prosser from the Education Department of New Brunswick, and Principals from the Concord Schools in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hunan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Guiyang, Qingdao, Xi’an, Fuzhou, Harbin and Hefei. The meeting was chaired by Mr.Andy Truong, Executive Director of the AKD Group.
Dr.Pang made a report entitled "The Future Development of the AKD Group". The Chairman not only detailed the Group's current development map and future development plans at home and abroad, but also declared that the future of school education should be the "Internet + Education" model, which strengthens the organic integration of online and offline education. At present, our schools are increasing the proportion of science and technology courses, and Dr.Pang also suggested that the AKD Group should move towards more institutionalization, constantly improve staff training, increase exchange between schools, and enhancing the Group’s international operations.
接着,中加学校校长王本中作了题为《新时代“中加教育集团学校国际化的新征程”》的报告。王校长指出,我们中加学校要打造国内最高端的国际化教育,融合中外优势教育资源,师资资源,课程资源,创建中加的特色课程。同时王校长还详细解读了《2017 各科普通高中课程标准》,并且提出,教育国际化就要求我们要用多把尺子来衡量学生能力,不以考试分数为唯一准则,因材施教,做到人人成才。
Principal Wang followed by presenting the report "A New Era in the Internationalization of Concord Schools ". Principal Wang pointed out that our Concord schools should build the best international education in China by integrating the advantages of Chinese and foreign education resources, teacher resources, and curriculum resources. At the same time, Principal Wang also detailed an interpretation of the "2017 General High School Curriculum Standards", and proposed that the internationalization of education requires us to use more than a ruler to measure the ability of students. He continued, concluding that we should not use test scores as the only criterion, but judge students in accordance with their aptitude, so that everyone becomes a success.
会议上,来自加拿大纽宾省教育部的Terry Currie 先生和Kathy Prosser 女士对加拿大纽宾省学校评估标准作出了详细讲解,并充分肯定了集团对于加方课程标准的落实。
Mr.Terry Currie and Ms.Kathy Prosser gave a detailed presentation on the New Brunswick School Assessment Standards in Canada and fully affirmed the Group's implementation of the Canadian Curriculum Standards.
最后,在 Andy Truong 先生的主持下,对集团旗下各中加学校的招生作出规划。
Finally, Mr.Andy Truong delivered the student recruitment plans for all the schools under the AKD Group.
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
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