【小初】巳岁呈祥 嘉彩迎新 | 合肥高新中嘉学校202...
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The Principals’ visit to our school
4月19日下午,全国名校校长高研班代表一行40多人莅临我校参观交流,这些校长及教育主管部门领导们分别来自浙江、河南、江西、山东四省。此次接待全程由合肥高新中加学校和合肥加拿大国际学校的学生代表负责接待讲解。合肥加拿大国际学校校长Peggy Gorman Mitchell,合肥高新中加学校小学部校长杨晓华,合肥高新中加学校副校长耿晓娟和中学部副校长余涛及校办工作人员陪同,校长一行人先后参观了加拿大国际学校和合肥高新中加学校。
On the afternoon of April 19th, more than 40 school principals coming from Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangxi and Shandong visited our school.The reception was conducted by student representatives from Sino-Canada Concord School of Hefei High Tech Zone (SCCSH) and Canadian International School of Hefei(CISH).Peggy Gorman Mitchell, the Head of CISH, Yang Xiaohua, Principal of Primary School in SCCSH,GengXiaojuan, Vice-Principal of SCCSH and Yu Tao, Vice-Principalof Middle/High school in SCCSH accompanied the guests to visit our school.
接待全程,两校学生们自信大方,解说的全面、有深度。不仅介绍了集团发展、集团教育教学理念、我校发展现状,还深度介绍了学校的各方面特色,给来访的代表们了深刻的印象,充分体现我校在 “以学生为主导”的教育教学培养理念中取得的卓越成绩。
The student representatives impressed the guests with their enthusiastic and confident speech,which also reflected the outstanding achievements of "Students Lead Activities" in our school.
接着,在国际部报告厅,合肥加拿大国际学校校长Peggy Gorman Mitchell女士和中加学校中学部代理校长Patricia Larrondo 女士就学校教育教学理念以及学校未来的发展目标等内容向校长们作了介绍。
Peggy Gorman Mitchell, the Head of CISH and Patricia Lorrando, Acting Principal of Middle/High school in SCCSH both had introductions about the teaching ideas and the future development goal of the school for the guests.
After this visit, all the guests had a better understanding of our school.They also spoke highly of our school culture、special curriculums and the presentation from our students.
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
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