2018-07-17 游三河古镇,览徽派文化 —记2018中加文化交流夏令营 Day2



The Travel to the Three River town

experiencing the culture of Anhui


The reason why time passes so fast is because we lived our life in a rich and beautiful way. After the communication in the first day, the students of CCSC and their friends from Canada came to the Three River Ancient Town to experience the authentic culture of Anhui.


Just as the saying goes "Anhui is made of towns", the students from Canada were deeply attracted by the unique local architectures. The mottled white walls and the grey eaves can show its thousand years of history and culture. Stepping on the grey stone road, everyone is part of a harmonious scenery painting. 


Food is a good propaganda of the place. During our visit, we tasted the local food of the Three River and classical Anhui dishes such as soft and white rice dumplings. The delicious food and beautiful scenery won full of prizes from our Canadian friends. Students from both sides communicated with each other actively, which stimulates Chinese students' enthusiasm for learning English.


Back to school, the students went to the swimming pool to relax. Tonight the homestay starts, Canadian students will spend one day with Chinese families. What interesting activities will they have? Hope they can all enjoy themselves!