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For CCSCH, preparing a student to study abroad in a very different setting, as his/her home country is a rigorous process during which our curricular program scaffolds and builds on skills and concepts year after year. A very important area to build upon is the ability to learn and communicate effectively in a second language, which is English in our case. This ability is developed over the years and the younger the student is, the higher the performance achieved. Secondly, the program seeks to develop concepts and skills in the different academic areas: Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies. Art, Music, Physical Education, and extracurricular activities will contribute to enrich and broaden the experiences during school years. In addition, developing the skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity, is crucial for the success of our program. Blending all three elements in our curriculum is what will allow the success of our students and a rich experience while studying abroad.
As mastery of English language is achieved, students will be able to dedicate their efforts to learning at high academic standards in the different fields of knowledge. Learning at high academic standards does not only mean remembering and understanding high amounts of contents. It means being able to apply it to different situations, analyzing components, evaluating to make judgments and creating new structures or meanings starting from the given. Even more, when this kind of critical thinking and creativity process is done as a product of teamwork and collaboration, and is well communicated to others, we are also targeting to develop skills for the 21st century. This is what modern education pursues: to prepare students with a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience. As mentioned before, this is a process that begins at the very early years and advances gradually, making the experiences more and more complex until students are finally prepared for higher education.
To develop this last portion of our school curriculum: preparation for higher education, CCSCH has decided to partner up with College Board and its different programs namely: Springboard, Advanced Placement (AP) and soon to include Pre AP programs. Springboard is a Math and English instructional program for grades 6 thru Grade 12. It offers a foundation, aligned to AP courses, featuring excellent teaching materials and engaging methods. It puts students in charge of what they learn, preparing them with the skills and knowledge that matter the most for college and career readiness. Classwork is designed to engage all students in active learning while discussing, partnering and group working. AP courses are rigorous academic programs in different academic areas, administered by High Schools worldwide to give students the opportunity to take university-level courses while still in secondary education. Schools and universities around the world will, depending on their own requirements, recognize these courses as university credits, give advanced placement or recognize AP students during their admissions process. AP curriculum does not focus on memorizing facts and figures. Instead, students focus on discussions, solving problems collaboratively, thinking critically and creatively, approach topics from multiple perspectives and learn to write clearly and persuasively – all skills needed to succeed at university and at the 21st century workplace.
为了开发我们学校课程的最后一部分:高等教育的准备,合肥高新中加学校决定与大学理事会的各种课程体系进行合作,即:Springboard、大学先修课程(AP)、并即将囊括Pre-AP课程(大学先修预备课程)。 Springboard是一个数学和英语教学课程,适用于6年级到12年级。它提供了一个与AP课程一致的基础教学,其中涵盖优质的教学资料和引人入胜的教学方法。它让学生深入掌握他们学到的知识,为他们提供最重要的技能和知识,帮助他们预先完成大学和将来职业生涯的准备。课堂作业旨在让所有学生在讨论,分小组分工学习。 AP课程是不同学术领域的严格学术课程,由全球高中管理,让学生有机会在中学提前学习大学课程。同时,世界各地的大学将根据自己的要求,将这些课程视为大学学分,在大学招生过程中为AP学生提供优先录取资格。 AP课程不是单纯的填鸭式教学和死记硬背。相反,学生在这一课程体系下专注于讨论、协作解决问题、批判性和创造性地思考、从多个角度处理主题、并学会清晰和有说服力地写作 ——— 这些都是在国外大学学习期间和当代职场生涯取得成功所需的全部技能。
As stated before, SpringBoard and AP courses will be included in CCSCH curriculum starting the fall term of 2018-2019. Our teachers are in the process of preparing and training to deliver these rigorous and modern programs. On July 18, Assisting Principal for Middle and High, Patricia Larrondo and two teachers: Mr. Joon Park (English and Social Studies International staff member, recently appointed AP Coordinator) and Miss Liu Jingwen (Math and Calculus High School teacher, will act as Assistant AP Coordinator) attended the Annual College Board Conference in Houston, Texas, USA. In all, our professionals attended full day workshops:
•AP Calculus AB
•Pre-AP Math: Developing Mathematical Mindsets through a Learner-Centered Classroom
•AP English and Composition Workshop
•Building an AP Program
综上所述,SpringBoard和AP课程将从2018-2019秋季学期开始纳入合肥高新中加学校的课程中。我们的老师正在紧锣密鼓地准备和培训这些现代化课程的授课。 7月18日,合肥高新中加学校加方校长派翠莎娜兰朵以及两位老师:Joon Park先生(英语和社会研究国际工作人员,也是最近任命的AP协调员)和刘静文小姐(数学和微积分高中老师,将担任助理AP协调员)参加了在美国德克萨斯州休斯顿举行的年度大学理事会会议。会上,我们的专业人员参加了全天的研讨会,讨论内容包括:
In addition, they took part in a variety of shorter sessions related to specific topics during another three days. It was a great experience to be part, as they did not only learn about the programs but were also able to connect with other teachers and administrators from around the world.
Also, at the end of August, College Board experts on SpringBoard will train our Math and English teachers. The training will be a deep two-day session where they will learn how to balance both Chinese mandatory and international SpringBoard curriculums in Mathematics and English subjects.
We are most excited to engage in improving our curricular program, as we know our students will definitely benefit from these efforts. We know that doing this is not done over one or two years. It is a long-term process where the year before is the foundation for the one to come. Year after year, students gain in the mastery of English, in the strengthening of skills and knowledge in the different subject areas and become more proficient in the competencies required for the challenges of the world they will lead in the years to come.
We are confident that as always, we will have our parent’s support while engaging in this new challenge!
Patricia Larrondo
CCSCH Acting Principal for Middle and High School
派翠莎 娜兰朵
SOURCE 资料来源:www.collegeboard.org
For more information 了解更多信息:
Prepare to study abroad 准备出国留学:
Advanced Placement Program 大学先修课程:
备注:College Board大学理事会是一个美国的非营利组织,它把世界各地的学生和大学的成功联系起来。它拥有超过6000所学校、学院、大学和世界各地其他教育机构的会员协会。欲了解更多关于大学理事会及其不同项目的信息,请访问:www.collegeboard.org
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