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The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
柏拉图说,体育和音乐两个方面并重,才能够成为完全的人格。因为体育能锻炼身体,音乐可以陶冶精神。 体育运动中的规则是促进道德发展的有效方式。然而体育运动中的社会性质可以使孩子们建立有效的沟通并培养领导力技能。中加学校一直注重学生体育素养和体育精神的培养。学校的圆方理念中强调通过户外活动锻炼身心,挑战体能,培养学生的冒险精神。
Plato said that both sports and music can make a complete personality. Because sports can exercise the body, music can cultivate spirit. Rules in sports are an effective way to promote people's moral development. Sports also can enable children to build effective communication and develop leadership skills. SCCSH always focus on the cultivation of students' sportsmanship. Round Square emphasizes on building the body and soul through adventure, meeting the physical challenge and developing an appreciation of the outdoors.
2018 the 4th SCCSH Autumn Sports Day Opening Ceremony
29th Sept.
With the impassioned song " Athletes March ", the representatives of all the teams entered in an orderly manner. Each student wore bright costumes and lined up neatly in a row. The unique class talents showed their vigor and vitality. The whole school students showed us a perfect visual feast.
Teachers' representatives
合肥高新中加学校Patricia Larrondo校长致开幕词。Patricia校长首先对运动会开幕式的成功举行表示祝贺。同时校长也积极鼓励学生体育锻炼,践行中加的阳光体育。校长表示运动员们要秉承友谊第一,比赛第二的原则,希望运动员们能在此次比赛中取得优异成绩,并预祝本次运动会能够取得圆满成功。
Patricia Larrondo, Principal of SCCSH gave an opening speech. Patricia congratulated on the success of the opening ceremony. She also hope that the athletes should adhere to the principle of “Friendship First , Competition Second” and wish the sports day a complete success.
performances from Kindergarten, elementary school and middle&High school
Hope all the athletes of SCCSH will work hard, give full play to their expertise and achieve good results in the following games.
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
【 Good news for admission 】 MICA Maryland College of the Arts+over 80W scholarship offer!