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合肥高新中加学校第一届 “生”动课堂教学研讨会隆重召开
In order to improve the teaching quality, on December 15th, 2018, the teaching seminar with the theme of “improving students' core quality and creating student-centered classes” was grandly held in Hefei CCSC.
此次会议由中学部教学处孙艳清主任主持召开。在本次研讨会中我们有幸请到了经开区教研室潘声福主任,新站区寿春中学叶义银校长, 168陶冲湖学校乐雅萍老师,高新区社会事业局教研室张丹主任,深圳南山中加学校张金仲校长以及深圳南山中加学校关宇筠主任、涂焕新主任和深圳南山中加学校AP课程负责人徐冠中老师莅临指导。强大的嘉宾阵容足以体现学校对本次学术活动的高度重视。
The seminar was presided by Ms. Sun Yanqing, the director of teaching department of middle and high school. In this seminar, we are highly honored to have all these professional guests to guide us, which shows that the school attaches great importance to this academic activity.
早在本学期伊始,各教研组就在组内开展了公开课,利用教研活动时间,听课,评课,共同研讨如何落实“生”动课堂。每位教师思考课堂教学活动的设计与组织,历时1个月,围绕着“聚焦发展核心素养 创设‘生’动有效课堂”完成了教学论文的撰写,并编辑成册。
At the beginning of this semester, each teaching and research group held observation classes regularly and jointly discussed how to implement the student-centered class. The practical experience and creative thinking have been recorded as essays and compiled as a symposium.
On December 14th, all teaching and research groups wonderfully presented their demonstration classes, which were highly praised by leaders, guests, teachers and parents.
After the demonstration class, the teaching and research groups also carried out collective lesson preparation. Teachers carefully designed teaching plans and presented them. Principal Zheng Bingjie also put forward his own professional opinions on these teaching plans to help teachers improve themselves from every aspect.
In the teaching seminar on December 15th, first of all, Ms. Du Juan, the executive director of Hefei CCSC, addressed the seminar, extending a warm welcome to the guests and thanks to all the teachers for their hard work. Then, distinguished guests, school leaders and teachers gathered together to express their views on the creation of student-centered classes.
Next, the experts commented on the previous day's observation classes. Director Pan said that CCSC is a school with advanced education concepts and all the observation classes fully reflect the concept of student-centered class, so that students have been fully developed, especially the core literacy ability. President Ye discussed some problems in the current observation classes. He believed that a truly independent learning class should enable students to learn autonomously, voluntarily and consciously driven by their interests.
接下来,中加学校郑秉捷校长从教师发展的研究力和表现力两个方面为我们阐释了“生”动课堂的理论与实践。培养教师发展的研究力,需要“下大决心给教师进行培训,教师之间相互学习,在职业上不停进行发展,学校领导坚持以高标准要求学校,并且营造出重视教育、尊重教师的学校文化。”以“‘生’动课堂涵育核心素养”为教学主张,以“学习活动层次与认知相匹配”为活动设计,以“用学科语言表现、表达、做事”为学习方式,以“看每一个学生课堂上的作为”为教学评价。合肥高新中加学校以创设“生”动课堂来呈现学习方式的变革,促进课堂深度学习的发生,提升学生的核心素养。我们的追求是:“让每一个学生经历一个有意义的学习过程”。为此,如何提供这个过程,如何呈现这个过程,怎样让学生享受这个过程,这取决于“学生学习活动的设计与组织”,这就是教师的课堂表现力的价值表达。 郑校指出,我们要贯彻习近平总书记提出的“立德树人”观念,坚持中国特色社会主义教育发展道路,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。
Then, Principal Zheng Bingjie explained the theory and practice of student-centered class from the aspects of teachers' research ability and expressiveness. Our pursuit is: "let every student experience a meaningful learning process". For this reason, how to provide the process, how to present the process and how to let students enjoy the process depends on the design and organization of students' learning activities.
Mr. Zhang Jinzhong, principal of Nanshan Sino-Canada School in Shenzhen, said that this seminar made the class more dynamic and vivid. His practical guidance is significant for teachers' daily teaching.
The world our students will have to face will be filled with challenges and will be completely different from the one we have been prepared for. Tomorrow’s world will be highly interconnected, highly computerized and highly technological. Creativity that outspends artificial intelligence will be crucial. It is hard to say exactly how it will be, but one thing is certain: CHANGE.
Teaching should be focused in providing more student-centered opportunities. This means presenting learners with responsibility, cognitive concepts and practical activities, all within an authentic world environment. Learning that takes place in this environment engages students in their own learning, which is deep and long-lasting.
Being a teacher has never been an easy. The job is never done. There is always something to change, to try, to improve. Worse, you never know if it works unless you try. Unfortunately, there are no recipes. Outcomes will depend on your student(s). A smile on your students’face is the best reward we can achieve!
The first teaching seminar on student-centered class in CCSC completed successfully. We believe that everyone has gained something to improve their teaching ability.
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