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The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
This year, students were introduced to new subjects and exciting subjects in Middle and High School: Environmental Systems and STEM. Within these subjects, students were expected to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to learn and build their own personal projects and proposals. Each student worked individually and in teams to research in an independent manner guided by themselves and by the teacher. The projects which students worked on this semester were their first approach to project-based learning.
Grade 9 STEM students studied, designed and proposed new plans for school to develop a better electricity usage. First, they investigated the current electric situation in school to make a blueprint out of the existing systems. They later moved on to making a 3D model of the fourth floor where they showed this information in order to develop a new plan for our school. Their proposals were exhibited and presented to experts in the field from our school. Through the process, students learned about electricity systems and energy saving forms while practicing self-management, teamwork and creativity.
Grade 11 Environmental Science did a vast research on sustainable living. The students were questioned about how to reinforce a sustainable living within school campus. Through a social investigation, students realized themselves that there was a large lack of awareness about recycling within school grounds and something had to be done about it. Students came up with many solutions, and finally they settled with creating a communication campaign through interesting recycling bins. Each group made their own unique recycling bin as they researched about the environmental impact of plastic, global warming and sustainability. The final product was exhibited to different members of the school community thus allowing students to share their knowledge about the importance and impact of living a sustainable life within school.
Grade 12 STEM students studied about space exploration by studying SpaceX and NASA discoveries. Students looked a new way to explore space by investigating about the current space vehicles for exploring new planets, like the moon and mars. They used this information to design and build a new space exploration vehicle that would be able to move solely by gravity or momentum. The final prototypes showed their newly acquired knowledge about space, gravity, engineering technologies and math. By working in teams, students explored a different way of approaching a problem and using each member’s talents in order to produce the best project possible. The prototypes were displayed accompanied with a report to the school by demonstrating how each vehicle worked differently.
STEM 12年级的学生通过研究SpaceX和NASA的发现来探索太空。学生们通过调查目前探索新行星如月球和火星时使用的太空工具,找到了探索太空的新方法。他们利用这些信息设计并建造了一种新的太空探索飞行器,这种飞行器将能够仅靠重力或动量运动。最后的模型展示了他们学到的关于空间、重力、工程技术和数学的知识。通过团队合作,学生们探索了解决问题的不同方法,并充分利用组内成员的才能共同完成项目。学生们在向学校老师展示模型车的同时,还讲解了每辆车的工作原理。
Exploring new ways of teaching and learning was beneficial for both students and teacher. The students acquired new knowledge by using research, teamwork and self-management while receiving assistance and guidance from their teacher only as needed. In these projects, the teacher acted as a guide more than a source of knowledge, and students learned that they are in charge of their own learning. Upon reflecting, many students expressed that they enjoy learning this way rather than having the knowledge it being lectured to them.
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
【 Good news for admission 】 MICA Maryland College of the Arts+over 80W scholarship offer!