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The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The Opening Ceremony in Middle and High School of CCSC
In order to celebrate the start of the second semester of 2018-2019 school year, the Middle and High School of CCSC held an opening ceremony.
2月18号下午4点30分,开学典礼在高昂雄壮的中加两国国歌中正式拉开序幕。出席开学典礼的除了有中加学校校长Patricia Larrondo女士和中加学校校长郑秉捷先生外,还有中学部全体师生。
At 4:30 PM on February 18, the opening ceremony was officially held during the national anthems of China and Canada. The opening ceremony was attended by Principal Patricia Larrondo, Principal Zheng Bingjie and all students and teachers in middle and high school.
The opening ceremony is not only the outlook of the new semester, but also the summary of the past semester. At the ceremony, we commended the students who had excellent performance in the last semester, and awarded them with Academic Excellence Award, Single Subject Excellence Award, Comprehensive Practice Active Participation Award, Progress Award, Excellent Homework Award and other awards. We believe that this moment of honor will surely encourage all students to make progress in the new semester.
随后,Patricia Larrondo女士为新学年开学典礼致辞。校长对上一学期值得改进的地方提出了明确而具体的要求,同时也对下学期学生们的学业和德育等方面提出了殷切的希望。校长的谆谆教诲,给我们指明了新学期的奋斗目标和努力方向,在座的每一位老师、每一名同学都在校长的引领下,向着自己的目标不断奋进,成就新的辉煌!
Principal Patricia Larrondo then addressed a speech. She put forward clear and specific requirements on what should be improved in this semester. The inculcation of the principal, gave us a new goal and direction in this semester. At the end of the speech, the whole school was full of enthusiasm and confidence.
The new year brings new hopes and new dreams. In this beautiful spring, every seed sown by our teachers will blossom and bear fruit in the hearts of our students. Let’s set sail again!
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
The High School New Year's Carnival was successfully held
【 Good news for admission 】 MICA Maryland College of the Arts+over 80W scholarship offer!