【小初】巳岁呈祥 嘉彩迎新 | 合肥高新中嘉学校202...
The 2025 New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance for...
Unlimited Energy,
Unlimited Wonders
——The second day of ISLC Summer Camp in Sino-Canada Concord School of Hefei
After a day of working together, the children and foreign teachers have become very familiar. Yesterday's wonderful ice-breaking games and business courses are still unsatisfactory. This morning, the Leadership Summer Camp starts in the hot group dancing show!
After yesterday afternoon’s practicing, the children were able to show the whole dance very skillfully. What makes teachers marveled and praised is that the children could superbly control the details of each movement in the dance. The stage of the big lecture hall seems to be added more to their dance, and the children's dances have brought a great start for a new day's summer camp.
After dancing, the business courses formally start. The foreign teachers first explain the commercial marketing model in a simple way, for guiding the children to independently analyze the advantages and disadvantages of commercial marketing, and determine the target group, target selling point and sales highlights according to the products. In the product naming session, the children start a heated discussion, brainstorming, and strive to make their team stand out. Under the leadership of foreign teachers, the children learn the basic knowledge of product sales step by step.
After the lunch break, the children are refreshed and begin to study the simulated business case courses. Under the guidance of foreign teachers, the children use the well-known enterprise management as a case to analyze and simulate, and design and produce posters for their teams to show the team's ideas. The posters designed by the children not only have the characteristics of their teams, but also fully demonstrate their rich imagination and creativity.
紧接着是展示环节, 孩子们充分发挥自己的想象力,为本组产品设计和拍摄独一无二的广告宣传片。小伙伴们分工明确,各司其职,有当导演的,有当摄像的,有当演员的……孩子们忙得不亦乐乎,兴趣十足。
Followed by the show, the children make full use of their imagination to design and shoot unique advertising videos for this group of products. The small partners have a clear division of labor, each with their own duties, such as directors, actors and son on. The children are very busy and have a lot of interests.
After the completion of the business courses, the foreign teachers take children to the indoor gym and conduct a series of sports games, such as skipping, basketball, badminton, and Frisbee. Look, in the sports field, they are swaying the sweat of youth and writing the movement of vitality.
Our children are not only leaders in all aspects of life, but also are practitioners of healthy living. Comprehensive development is inseparable from the support of healthy bodies, and it is also inseparable from the cultivation of leadership thinking and ability. May the children really enjoy happiness and gain growth in this summer camp life!
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